Plague Whores 2: ACT UP.

A personal history of collective AIDS activism and banging timely ideas.

A deep, moist, and rousing chat with Kellan Farshea: London ACT UP in 1989 spokes person and press officer from 1989 till the early 1990’s, as well as a Sister of Perpetual Indulgence and founder of the Spanner Campaign and SM pride march. Kellan takes Ava on a journey through HIV/AIDS life, death and activism in the UK and US from the 1980’s to the next millennium, and shares inspiring analyses and ideas about ways that us vectors can tackle the present unsexy pandemic.

A deep, moist, and rousing chat with Kellan Farshea: London ACT UP in 1989 spokes person and press officer from 1989 till the early 1990’s, as well as a Sister of Perpetual Indulgence and founder of the Spanner Campaign and SM pride march.

Kellan takes Ava on a journey through HIV/AIDS life, death and activism in the UK and US from the 1980’s to the next millennium, and shares inspiring analyses and ideas about ways that us vectors can tackle the present unsexy pandemic.


The Curious History of Sex


Cops Don't Keep Us Safe